MATLAB: Trying to create a text file with 3000 rows of data and 7 columns.


I want to create a text file with 7 columns titled Time, Ax, Ay, Az, p, q ,r.
Each column should possess 3000 rows of randomnly generated data from the range of 0:2
I have the following code.
Time = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
Ax = 0 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
Ay = -1 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
Az = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
p(angular rate along x) = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
q(angular rate along y) = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
r(angular rate along z) = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
T = table(Time, Ax, Ay, Az, p, q ,r);
writetable(T, 'SampleIMUDATA.txt');
type SampleIMUDATA.txt
Im trying to create this text file in such a way where these numbers are randomnly generated everytime when I run the script, and overwrite the previous contents of the file SampleIMUDATA.txt
When I run the script I get the following error:
>> SampleIMUDATA
Error: File: SampleIMUDATA.m Line: 5 Column: 15
Invalid expression. Check for missing multiplication operator, missing or unbalanced delimiters, or other
syntax error. To construct matrices, use brackets instead of parentheses.
I initally thought the dimensions of the 1 by 3000 matrix I was generating were wrong but that doesn't seem wrong so I'm wondering where the error is in dimensions.

Best Answer

Shivam - what is your intent with this code
p(angular rate along x) = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
q(angular rate along y) = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
r(angular rate along z) = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
Is the above where the error is being generated? I don't understand the use of "angular rate along x". Is this supposed to be a title or something else?
If I remove this text and run just
Time = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
Ax = 0 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
Ay = -1 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
Az = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
p = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
q = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
r = -2 + (2+2)*rand(3000,1);
T = table(Time, Ax, Ay, Az, p, q ,r);
writetable(T, 'SampleIMUDATA.txt');
then the file is created with seemingly the correct format.
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