MATLAB: Trying to automatically crop an image into several smaller images based on segmentation

digital image processingimage analysisimage processingimage segmentationMATLAB

Hi all,
Apologies in advance, I'm not well versed in Matlab.
I'm trying to crop a segmented image into several smaller pieces that only contain the a segmented piece of the original image. For example, if an image has 3 apples and I'm interested in the apples, I am aiming to cut out each apple into a seperate image. The result I'm hoping for is 3 seperate images of apples, with anything else in the crop blackened (or whitened) out.
Why I'm trying to do this is so I can pass each resultant image into a CNN for analysis, as each segmented piece/cropped image is a type of object that needs to be classified.
Below is an image of mine that I'm trying to process. Any ideas would be useful! Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Something like this
I = imread('image.jpeg');
I1 = im2bw(I);
I2 = imdilate(I1,ones(5)); % imdilate to close contours
I3 = imerode(I2,ones(4)); % restore thickness
[L,n] = bwlabel(I3); % label regions/areas
title('restore thickness of contours')
for i = 2:n
I4 = L==i; % select region
I5 = imfill(I4,'holes'); % fill contour/region
imshow(cat(3,I5*255,I3*255,I3*0)) % display