MATLAB: Try to get Content of String of edit-box inside a KeyPressFcn without pressing return

keypressfcn return empty stringMATLAB

From style edit field make a Callback by KeyPressFcn. I try to read out the content of entire String. But I get an empty string back, until I press "return". Is there a way to get the String back without pressing return?
set(hObject, 'KeyPressFcn', {@edit_input_KeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles});
function edit_input_KeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
guidata(hObject, handles);
keyinput = eventdata.Key;
if strcmpi(keyinput, 'comma')
get_txt = get(hObject,'String');
set_txt = strrep(get_txt,',','.');

Best Answer

No there is not. You will need to keep track of the characters yourself, or you will need to switch to a Java callback. The String property will not be updated until return is entered or another control gains focus.