MATLAB: Truncated cone plot

3d plotsgeometry

Hi everybody, I'm just trying to plot and save a 3D matrix of points that describes a truncated cone. I've realized it with a set of concentric circles (or, better to say, one-period-spirals) reducing the external size from floor to floor. May i ask you if you know how to realize a truncated cone (just the surface) with only one spiral growing from the base to the top? Thanks for your time

Best Answer

It is not perfectly clear to me what you want, but here is a parameterization that sounds close to what I think you mean:
t = 30:0.1:100;
az = 0.1;
z = az*t;
r0 = 10000;
ar = -1;
r = r0 + r0*t;
at = 0.05;
theta = at*t;
x = r .* cos(t);
y = r .* sin(t);