MATLAB: Truecolor error in changing RGB of pixels

image processingImage Processing Toolboximageprocessingrgbtruecolor

Hi, Ive been trying to change the pixels of an image but I get an error everytime I try to change something other than red. For example, red=20, blue=0, green=0 works. However, red=10 blue=10 green=50 doesnt work. The error I get is
Error using image
TrueColor CData contains element out of range 0.0 <= value <= 1.0
Error in changeRGB (line 19)
image(pic) %show image

This is the code
name= input('Enter name of file: \n', 's'); %file name
format= input ('Enter format of file: \n', 's');%file format
redchange = input('Change in percent of red: \n');%red change
bluechange = input ('Change in percent of blue: \n');%blue change
greenchange = input ('Change in percent of green: \n');%green change
pic= imread(name, format); %reading image
pic= double(pic); %converting to doubles
pic=pic/255; %scaling everything by dividing by 255.
pic(:,:,1)= redchange*pic(:,:,1); %multiply the values by percentage

pic(pic(:,:,1)>1)=1; %changing all values over 1 equal to one

pic(:,:,2)= greenchange*pic(:,:,2); %multiply the values by percentage
pic(pic(:,:,2)>1)=1; %changing all values over 1 equal to one
pic(:,:,3)= bluechange*pic(:,:,3); %multiply the values by percentage
pic(pic(:,:,3)>1)=1; %changing all values over 1 equal to one
image(pic) %show image
axis off %no axis

Best Answer

These are not doing what you think they should do.
The best is to change the last part of your code like this
pic(:,:,1)= redchange*pic(:,:,1); %multiply the values by percentage

pic(:,:,2)= greenchange*pic(:,:,2); %multiply the values by percentage
pic(:,:,3)= bluechange*pic(:,:,3); %multiply the values by percentage
so remove all three pic(pic(:,:,1)>1)=1, pic(pic(:,:,2)>1)=1, and pic(pic(:,:,3)>1)=1 and just before image(pic) replace them with pic(pic>1)=1; and pic(pic<0)=0;
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