MATLAB: Truble with LOAD in GUI

loadmatlab gui

Hi, I have problem with loading variables to worksapace using GUI. What I want to do is that when I press the button, open dialog pops up and I select *.mat file, which I created earlier. To this point everything works fine. Name of the file is assigned to a variable. After that I do not realy know what to do. I know, that I simply cannot use load(variable). But even if I tried some modification with assignin and evalin, I sitll can get those variables stored in *.mat file to workspace.
Here is the CallBack function:
function open_menubutton_callback(u,t)
file = uigetfile('*.mat')
Any sugestions, what should I add or change?

Best Answer

one suggestion :
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.mat');