MATLAB: Troubleshooting Matlab Parallel computing bottlenecks

parallel computingtroubleshooting

can you please tell me if there is some function in Matlab or anything else, that would help me to find bottlenecks of running my code in parallel? Running my code on 1 core takes 2,5 minutes per loop, but on 2 cores it takes almost 4 minutes and running on 5 cores it is 7 minutes. In last option it makes 5 loops during those 7 minutes (because of 1 loop on each core), but in my opinion it has to be slowed by some bottleneck, because it takes really too much time compared to normal 1 core iteration. It is still faster running like this, but I was expecting it to be much better 😀
Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

Take a look at the parallel profiler.
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