MATLAB: Troubleshooting Issues with Load Flow Analysis with Simscape Electrical Specialized Technology

Simscape Electronics

I am using the Load Flow Analysis through the PowerGUI block for Simscape Electrical Specialized Technology. I am unable to get it to converge, or if it converges the system still does not start at steady-state as expected. What should I do?

Best Answer

Here are some reasons why your Load Flow Analysis might fail to converge:
1. The initial conditions for the system deviate too far from the answer for the tool to converge. See if the initial conditions in your model are close to expected values.
2. The system is not "power balanced", meaning the specified power generated does not match the specified power consumed.
3. Some systems my be too complex to be solved with the Load Flow Analysis tool. For these systems, consider simulating the system until it reaches a steady state then save the model states to use as a starting point at the next run. See the link below for details:
Here are some reasons why your Load Flow Analysis may converge but not lead to initial steady state behavior after applying the results to your model:
1. Load Flow Analysis does not work for "hybrid systems", that is systems with three-phase and single-phase power electronics together.
2. Load Flow Analysis will not be able to properly solve systems which contain synchronous/asynchronous machines with non-zero friction factors.