MATLAB: Trouble with textread function


I am trying to use textread but have encountered error msg as below:
[B,spc]=textread('DOTP.txt', '%f %f')
Error using dataread Trouble reading floating point number from file (row 1, field 1) ==>
Error in textread (line 176) [varargout{1:nlhs}]=dataread('file',varargin{:});
This is how my txt file looks like:
2800 -787.957031
2800.977539 -787.957031
2801.955078 -781.957031
2802.932617 -772.957031
2803.910156 -773.957031
2804.887695 -787.957031
2805.86499 -778.957031
2806.842529 -785.957031
What can I do to read the file? Thanks.

Best Answer

I've tried your codes with Matlab 2013a and it works well. What's your current release of Matlab?