MATLAB: Trouble with producing colorful images using pcolor command

matlab coderpcolor

I am recently using a new computer and a version of MATLAB 2011a is installed on it. When trying to produce images with the "pcolor" command from a fully rank 2-dimensional matrix, I just see a totally black figure without any image. The following error appears on the command window:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.InternalError: HTHEME is null at Method) at Source) at$SkinPainter.paintToImage(Unknown Source) …
I have also recently updated the JAVA program to the final version of 7 (64 bit). It would be so kind of you to help me to fix this error.

Best Answer

So don't use pcolor at all. Despite me asking several times no one has ever told me why they want to use the deceptive pcolor instead of a normal display method that does what you expect. I don't like the way that pcolor has one less row and column than the array you're displaying and pixels with the same value won't get colored the same. Use imshow(), image(), or imagesc() instead.