MATLAB: Trouble with ODE45

for loopMATLABode45vector

I've got a problem solving my ODE45 function. I have the equation d^2x/dt^2 – sigma^2*x = F(t), meaning the right hand side is a vector. F(t) is an equation containing data from an experiment. To simplify lets say F = 1:1:81.
I have converted the ODE into a first order ODE with x1' = x2 and x2' = F – sigma^2*x1. sigma = 2*pi/t
t = linspace(3.6,7.2,81); %time vector 
F = 1:1:81; % Right hand side
initial_x = 0;
initial_dxdt = 0;
[t,x] = ode45(@funct,t,[initial_x,initial_dxdt]);
xlabel('t'); ylabel('x');
function dxdt = funct(t,x)
dxdt_1 = x(2);
dxdt_2 = F - (2*pi/t)^2*x(1);
dxdt = [dxdt_1;dxdt_2];
What I am trying to do is to change the value of F for every value of t, but it seems that I cannot insert any values of add variables into "funct" without getting massive error messages. Do I have to insert ODE45 into a for-loop? Or is there something that I am missing? Thanks in advance

Best Answer

It looks like F is not smooth. Then Matlab's integrators cannot handle this directly, see
The best way is a loop:
t = linspace(3.6,7.2,81); %time vector
F = 1:1:81; % Right hand side
x0 = [0, 0];
t0 = t(1);
for iStep = 2:numel(t)
Fs = F(iStep - 1); % For example
[ts, xs] = ode45(@(t, x) funct(t, x, Fs), [t0, t(iStep)], x0);
t0 = ts;
x0 = xs(end, :);
% Store ts and xs for the output...
function dxdt = funct(t,x, F)
dxdt = [x(2); ...
F - (2*pi/t)^2*x(1)];
This is untested and thought to show the concept only.