MATLAB: Trouble using the Video and Image Processing Block Set

Computer Vision Toolboximage processinginfraredoptical flowsimulinkvectorsvelocityvideo

I have an infrared video of the sky which is .asf format and I have been trying to find the directional vectors of the birds in the sky!!!
Previously when I have posted the same question I have been told by a user to use the Optical Flow Block in the Video and Image Processing Block Set…
I have followed the following steps. a. Loaded the video into the Simulink using "From Multimedia File" block. b. Connected this block to the "Optical Flow" block c. To view the output video I have connected the "Optical Flow" block with "To Video Display" block.
On running I got this error message!!!
Cannot propagate 3-D signal from output port 1 of block 'test2/Optical Flow/In1' to input port 1 of block 'test2/Optical Flow/Optical Flow Estimation'. The latter block does not accept signals with greater than 2 dimensions (either entirely or in its current configuration
Can some one let me know what should I do now ??? Does that mean I shouldn't be using the Optical Flow block for a video ??

Best Answer

I suspect it means that you need to interpose an RGB to Gray conversion step.