MATLAB: Trouble using symsum function to solve the Radiation Resistance eqn. for a finite dipole

symsum function

%Radiation Resistance for finite dipole
C=0.5772;%This is Eulers const.
k=(2*pi)/300;%wave number
l=140e-2;% length of dipole
eta=120*pi;%impedance of free space
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Two functions that are called
function [c_i] = cos_integral(x)
%Cosine Integral
%Taken from Antenna Theory, Balanis
syms k;
C_euler_const=0.5772;%Eulers Constant
c_i=C_euler_const+log(x)+symsum(((((-1)^k)*((x)^(2*k)))/(2*k*factorial(2*k))),k,[1 100]);
function [s_i] = sine_integral(x)
%Sine Integral
%Taken from Antenna Theory, Balanis
syms k;
s_i=symsum((((-1)^k)*(x^(2*k+1)))/((2*k+1)*factorial(2*k+1)),k,[1 100]);
output doesn't make sense; real summation limits should be 0 to Inf
val =
(189713413132327*pi^2)/337769972052787200000 – (2898399760547415523*pi^3)/12159718993900339200000000 + (129692640763094342591*pi^4)/4559894622712627200000000000 + (142021588266823360627*pi^5)/45598946227126272000000000000000 – (31776518994577836803303*pi^6)/115422332637413376000000000000000000 – (994151117867763524389*pi^7)/51298814505517056000000000000000000000 + (934239861683258850080753*pi^8)/692533….. keeps going…
These are the formulas I used from the book. Just wondering if I should go about a different method to solve this equation or if I'm missing something fundamentally important when using symsum function in MATLAB. Thank you!

Best Answer

Hi Brandon,
You can use vpa function to get the result as follows:
To see how vpa function works you can refer to the followign document:
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