MATLAB: Trouble getting two conditions to work with array While loop

arrayMATLABtwo conditionswhile loop

I'm having problems getting my while loop to work with two conditions. I'm trying to create an array that contains the numbers 3 and 7, randomizing the numbers again if it doesn't contain those two. Right now, I have this. Any ideas? Thanks!
a = zeros(1,6);
a(1,1:6) = randperm(8,6)
i = 0;
while (a ~= 3 & a ~= 7)
i = i+1;
a(1,1:6) = randperm(8,6);

Best Answer

Here is one way that uses a while loop:
a(1:6) = randperm(8,6)
k = 0;
maxIterations = 200; % Whatever, the failsafe
while k <= maxIterations && sum(a == 3 | a == 7) < 2
k = k+1;
a = randperm(8, 6);
a % Show in command window.