MATLAB: Trouble creating a matrix from table data

matrix arraytable

Hi, Im' new to matlab, and trying to work through a problem.
I have a table, called 'HD', it's 1 column by 499 rows.
I want to create 'Ry' for each of the rows through a 3×3 matrix
Ry = row 1: [cos(HD) -sin(HD) 0]
row 2: [sin(HD) cos(HD) 0]
row 3: [0 0 1]
I've written: Ry = [cos(HD) -sin(HD) 0; sin(HD) cos(HD) 0; 0 0 1]; but it didn't work then I tired creating tables' for each: cos(HD) -sin(HD)… and substituted the new table names in the command, but it didn't like that either. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Dana

Best Answer

Ry1= [cos(HD); -sin(HD) ;zeros(1,499)]
Ry2= [sin(HD); cos(HD); zeros(1,499)];
Ry3= [zeros(1,499); zeros(1,499); ones(1,499)];