MATLAB: Trouble adding error bars to bar graph

bar grapherror barsgroup bars

I am trying to add error bars to bar graph. The figure looks fine if I run it without the error bars as just bar(coh). (see attached) I want to the bars to be groups as shown. I'm wondering if that grouping is messing up the error bars.
Thank you in advance for any help!
Hope you are all staying safe and healthy Matlab community.
x = 1:12;
coh = [0.9862, 0.9773
0.971, 0.9544
0.8969, 0.6791
0.8835, 0.9051
0.8558, 0.6727
0.6727, 0.8641];
errhigh = [0.0083, 0.0137
0.0137, 0.0274
0.0611, 0.1797
0.0688, 0.0563
0.1426, 0.1829
0.0875, 0.0799];
errlow = [0.0208, 0.034
0.043, 0.0661
0.1382, 0.3105
0.1533, 0.1288
0.1827, 0.3135
0.1879, 0.1743];
hold on
er = errorbar(x,coh,errlow,errhigh);
er.Color = [0 0 0];
er.LineStyle = 'none';
hold off