MATLAB: Trim cell array from known characters

cell manipulationdata importdata processingdeblankMATLABstrtrimtrimcelltruncate cell

Hi There,
How do you trim down a cell array from a space or empty element in the cell and as well remove all commas and semi colons from data?
Variable C is a 654×1 cell containing the first four rows 1×9 cell 1×2 cell 1×29 cell 1×218 cell . . . 1×126 cell
An individual cell array contains spaces I would like to remove. Ultimately I would like to truncate this from space/empty. For example data is as follows:
{AB XY; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'PO,' ' ' ' ' ' SE''''LO,' ' ' ' ' ' W:,TT …} Where ' ' denotes a space/empty cell. I would like this to become {AB XY PO SE LO W TT} This will truncate the number of columns from the previous 218.
I guess I have to utilize the strtrim or deblank functions not exactly sure how.
Thank You.

Best Answer

a = {'AB XY';' , PO;';'SE , '}
regexprep( a, '[\s;,]', '')
to remove spaces, semicolons and commas, '\s' indicates any whitespace character