MATLAB: Transform 3D point cloud

point cloudrotation matrixtransfor point cloud

I have a point cloud and a rotation matrix like this:
rot=[ -0.48664090 0.36675647 0.79288739;
-0.67601788 -0.73296887 -0.075871207;
-0.55333579 0.57292831 -0.60462612 ]
How can I transform the point cloud using this rotation matrix? I cannot use this matrix with pctrasform and rigid3d.

Best Answer

Funny. Well, you can always use affine3d,
rot=[ -0.48664090 0.36675647 0.79288739;
-0.67601788 -0.73296887 -0.075871207;
-0.55333579 0.57292831 -0.60462612 ];
tform =
affine3d with properties: T: [4×4 double] Dimensionality: 3
As a side note, your matrix is not a proper rotation, since its determinant is -1.
ans = -1.0000
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