MATLAB: Transfer function and loops

for looptransfer fuction

Hello, I am trying to create a matlab file that will take a transfer function with a symbolic variable i and print the poles and display the pzplot for each value of i if i put it into a loop. so for instance, here is the code I tried.
for i = 1:5 num = [1]; dem = [1 4 (i-4) (8*i)]; pzplo(f) end;
I want it to plot all of the poles from i=1 to i=5 but it will only display the last one. I tried putting the function into an array and referring to the indices to plot out the poles, but I can't use an array with a transfer function i guess because it says it cant convert from double to tf. I dont know how to make a non-double array. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

Best Answer

  • read the documentation for "hold"
  • read the documentation for cell arrays