MATLAB: TrainYOLOv​2ObjectDet​ector Validation data option

cnncomputer visionComputer Vision Toolboxobject detectionvalidation datayolov2

How does the trainYOLOv2ObjectDetector validate the network weights during training? There appears to be no way to give it validation data (only training data). Does it split the training data into training/validation during training?
From the documentation;
The trainYOLOv2ObjectDetector function does not support these training options:
  • …The ValidationData, ValidationFrequency, or ValidationPatience training options…

Best Answer

As mentioned in the options, trainYOLOv2ObjectDetector doesn't support validation data for training options.
It doesn't split the training data into training/validation during training instead it displays the training metrics of the corresponding mini-batch of the training data it is being trained on.
This is a known issue and the mentioned training options might be available in the future releases.