MATLAB: Trainbr and data division

Deep Learning ToolboxMATLABtrainbr validation data division

I want to use trainbr algorithm (Bayesian regulation backpropagation) for some network. I haven't found information about data division for this case. Property divideParam has three standard options trainRatio, valRatio and testRatio for the default function dividerand. But the plot shows error only for test set and train set.
My question is – what is the size of data sets, that used by trainbr in fact? (dividerand default values 0.7-0.15-0.15). How my input data divided? Sorry for bad English.

Best Answer

An ovefit network that is overtrained memorizes the training data and can perform very poorly on nontraining data. Instead of using validation set stopping to prevent poor performance on nontraining data, TRAINBR uses Bayesian Regularization. Unfortunately, TRAINBR does not allow a val set. Research has shown that in general, using both is better than using either.
So, if you wish both, use another training algorithm with the obsolete MSEREG or use the regularization option in the new MSE.
help msereg
help mse
Nontraining indices are calculated first. The default for TRAINBR is
Ntst = round(0.2*N)
Nval = 0
Ntrn = N - Nval-Ntst
Hope this helps.
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