MATLAB: Trading Toolbox – Retrieve Option Chain from Interactive Brokers

interactive brokersoptionsTrading Toolbox

I'm trying to use the Interactive Brokers functionality below to return an option chain including all strike prices and expires for a given security. Is this possible to do this with Matlab's Trading Toolbox? I can't seem to make it work in Matlab R2017a. Thanks.

Best Answer

Turns out this is very easy to do with Yahoo Finance...
function d = getchain(ticker)
% DESCRIPTION: This function retrieves all stikes prices and expiry dates
% from yahoo finance for a given ticker input.
data = webread(['' ticker]);
expys = datetime(data.optionChain.result.expirationDates,'ConvertFrom','posixtime','Format','MM-dd-yyy')
strks = data.optionChain.result.strikes