MATLAB: Trader Toolbox realtime function is apparently undefined even when I have the file path identified.

Datafeed Toolboxibinteractive brokersrealtimetrader toolboxtws

I receive the error, "Undefined function 'realtime' for input arguments of type 'ibtws'." when I run the realtime function. I have an established connection to IBTWS and market data subscription. Below is my code:
%connects to ib
%ib = ibtws('',7496)
%define your stock
%ibContract = ib.Handle.createContract;
ibContract.symbol = 'RAD';
ibContract.secType = 'STK'; = 'SMART';
ibContract.currency = 'USD';
%retrieve live data
f = '233';
tickerid = realtime(ib, ibContract, f)

Best Answer

The realtime() function of Trading Toolbox for IB TWS was only introduced in R2015a. If you upgrade your Matlab license you should be able to use it, but not in your current R2014b.
If you need this functionality in R2014b (or any other Matlab release between R2007a and today), then try using my IB-Matlab toolbox instead:
Yair Altman
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