MATLAB: Tractor towing a trailer in vehicle dynamics blockset problem

Vehicle Dynamics Blocksetvehicledynamicsblockset

there is a guidance "Use the Vehicle track parameter to specify the number of tracks'' in mathwork site for vehicle dynamics blockset/vehicle body, but I can't find any options to add an extra axle to vehicle body in simulink using vehicle dynamics blockset, having said that the example,
Three-Axle Tractor Towing a Trailer
use a mid axle but I could'nt change the vehicle body configuration in vehicle dynamics blockset. How can I add an extra axle to the 3 DOF vehicle body?

Best Answer

Hi Aria,
You can add axles and tracks to the Suspension blocks at will, but our Trailer and Vehicle body blocks (whether 3DOF or 6DOF) do not allow the addition of tracks or axles in a flexible manner. We have 2 and 3 axle vehicle bodies, and 2 and 3 axle trailer bodies for both 3DOF and 6DOF cases. Presently we only offer only 2 track configuration for all vehicle and trailer bodies.