MATLAB: Tracking boxplot x axis labels

boxplotx axis

I am using the boxplot function to visualize data in a hierarchical way. Since the function allows me to define the order and hierarchy of the boxes, is there a way I can retrieve the organized tick labels in a string (cell) array?
Example: By changing the order of the strings a,b,c,d (which are the different values associated to the vector_data) the tick labels on the X axis will change. How can I track that change? Can I get a table showing how the x axis tick labels are organized? What is the figure object that has that info?
Thank you!

Best Answer

OK, I came in late and just picked up on the 'ticklabel' part of the conversation. Went back to the beginning and looked at the original image for the first time. Those aren't tick labels but text. To retrieve them must do some "handle diving" to retrieve the text in the boxplot hggroup.
>> hTxt=findobj(findobj(gca,'Type','hggroup'),'Type','Text'); % the text object handles array
>> txtLabel=cellstr(char(hTxt.String)); % the content in cellstr array
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