MATLAB: Toolstrip behavior and Editor tabs

MATLABtoolstrip behavior

If I open a variable into the variable window (docked) while editing code in the editor, the Editor toolstrip tab disappears and the variable tab appears. I know that the editor window and the variable window each have their own respective contextual tabs, but am curious if this is the correct behavior. This is only problematic while debugging code with breakpoints while trying to interact with variables or figures. If the editor is open and a variable window is docked, should the editor tab stay open? I would like to be able to use the continue and step commands from the editor tab without having to click back into the editor window. Is my best bet to use the keyboard shortcuts to handle these commands from different environments? (I tested this and the keyboard shortcuts for the editor work while I am clicked into the variable window). Screen captures shown below. I appreciate the help!
Variable tab visible and editor tab missing after opening a variable in a docked window:
Editor tab to continue debugging is only useable after clicking back into the editor window:
Annotation 2020-02-07 113208.png

Best Answer

I don't know what the documentation says, but I guess it doesn't describe in any detail how the toolstrip shall behave.
Yes, with the Variable Editor docked the Editor Tab disappears when the Variable Editor gets focus. And yes, that's annoying. I assume that's the intended behavior.
I've added some of the debugging buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar. That works for me.
/ R2018a