MATLAB: Toolstrip and Script Editor responding very slowly

macMATLABslow editorslow tool strip

Hello, i just downloaded R2018b (academic use) and i must determine that toolstrip at the main window and the script editor are responding very slowly. E.g. when i want to open a recent file by clicking on "open" it takes 5 seconds until the recent files are shown. As well when i switch to the editor window it takes around 20 seconds (the apple rainbow circle appears) until i can continue. Codes are running well. Matlab runs on MacBook Pro 2012. I already disabled the code analyzer and source control, java heap memory is at 1800MB and and i am not working with a network-located workspace. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

For me the problem was "Magnet," the window management software. I shut it down and everything works normally now.
Spectacle does not cause this problem.
Hope this is useful.
Edit: alternatively, you can choose "ignore MATLAB" in Magnet.