MATLAB: Toolbox and Add-on path not found in path


Using MATLAB 2017b.
I was trying to use this function to determine the position and velocity of planets:
and I've already installed the aerospace toolbox, it's located in the Mac applications directory with the aeroDataPackage. (PS. all my MATLAB written scripts directory is located in a specified MATLAB folder in the Documents directory).
When I ran my script using that function, I got this error. I don't understand why since I got it downloaded and is found in the directory. Please help and explain?
Error using planetEphemeris (line 160)
Ephemeris data is not available on the MATLAB path. You might need to download
it using the aeroDataPackage function.
Error in Runs (line 140)

Best Answer

If you downloaded the support package, it should be available. You can try to regenerate the path by running:
rehash toolboxcache
If you are still seeing the same error, check that you downloaded the support package by running:
which -all ephConstants.mat
If no file is returned, it means that the support package was not properly installed and you may need to re-install. You can do so by running aeroDataPackage again.
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