MATLAB: Too many symbolic variables using fplot

error messagefplotMATLABsymsymbolic variables

My code won't plot a graph I think because it says I have too many symbolic variables but I only have t as a symbolic varable. I don't know how to fix this error message, please help!
This is my code:
syms t w_1 w_2 'real'
%creates the symbolic and real variables t w_1 and w_2 in matlab and stores them
x_t = 1.2*cos(w_1*t - 0.85) + 0.35*cos(w_2*t + 0.75)
%creates function pof oscillation
%%part b
w_1 = 0.85
w_2 = 0.20
%subsitutes the values of w_1 and w_2 with the values I give it
%the double function changes the symbolic varable type to a double variable
fplot(x_t,[0, 130])
This is my error message
Error using fplot>singleFplot (line 229)
Input must be a function or functions of a single
Error in
(line 193)
hObj = cellfun(@(f)
Error in fplot>vectorizeFplot (line 193)
hObj = cellfun(@(f)
Error in fplot (line 163)
hObj =
Error in gerberdolan_jessica_hw10 (line 51)
fplot(x_t,[0, 130])
this is what my whos looks like
t 1x1 8 sym
w_1 1x1 8 double
w_2 1x1 8 double
x_t 1x1 8 sym

Best Answer

syms t w_1 w_2 real
x_t = 1.2*cos(w_1*t - 0.85) + 0.35*cos(w_2*t + 0.75)
w_1 = 0.85
w_2 = 0.20
fplot(x_t,[0, 130])
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