MATLAB: Too many input arguments ode45

differential equationMATLABode45systemtoo many input arguments

I am using an example pulled directly from ode45 documentation.
tspan = [0 5];
y0 = 0;
[t,y] = ode45(@(t,y) 2*t, tspan, y0);
results in:
Error using ode45
Too many input arguments.
I've been trying to solve a system of differential equations using ode45. I'm not sure if this is a software bug or something, but ode45 continues to result in too many arguments. The code above is copied directly from ode45 documentation. Similarly, when I use a different example pulled directly from
I get:

Best Answer

Everything seems to be correct assuming that you saved the function properly with the correct name.
The right usage of the given example:(function should be below the code - meaning at the end of the script file or saved as a function file with the name of the function)