MATLAB: Too many input arguments in class method for neural network.

arrayinputMATLABneural network

My function takes in a single input and provides a single output, but of the array type. Class properties are defined properly earlier and this as been tested to work (e.g. net.Num_Layers) Sizes is an array denoting number of neurons in each layer (e.g. net.Sizes = [3 4 2]) When trying to test individual method, a Network object is created in command line.
>>net = Network(sizes)
net =
Network with properties:
Sizes: [3 4 2]
Num_Layers: 3
Weights: [4×3×4 double]
Biases: [4×3 double]
>> a = [1 2 3]';
>> net.feedforward(a)
Error using Network/feedforward
Too many input arguments.
Here a snippet of my feed-forward method for the Network class:
function [a] = feedforward(a)
%return output of network if column vector "a" is input.
for i=2:net.Num_Layers
w = squeeze(net.Weights(1:net.Sizes(i),i,1:net.Sizes(i-1)));
b =net.Biases(1:net.Sizes(i),i);
a = w*a-b;
And here is my constructor method for reference if its relevant:
function net = Network(sizes)
% The list ``sizes`` contains the number of neurons in the
% respective layers of the network. For example, if the list was
% [2, 3, 1] then it would be a three-layer network, with the first
% layer containing 2 neurons, the second layer 3 neurons, and the
% third layer 1 neuron. The biases and weights for the network are
% initialized randomly, using a Gaussian distribution with mean 0,
% and variance 1. Note that the first layer is assumed to be an
% input layer, and by convention we won't set any biases for those
% neurons, since biases are only ever used in computing the outputs
% from later layers.
if nargin == 0
net.Sizes = 0;
net.Num_Layers = length(sizes);
net.Sizes = sizes;
%Intialize and pad with zeros
for i=2:net.Num_Layers
net.Biases(1:sizes(i),i) = randn(sizes(i),1);
%layers are stored along columns i
%connecting from previous layer along rows j
%connecting to current layer along pages k
for i=2:(net.Num_Layers)
net.Weights(1:sizes(i),i,1:sizes(i-1)) = ...

Best Answer

A class method must have its class object explicitly in its argument list. So the following will work
function [a] = feedforward(obj, a)
%return output of network if column vector "a" is input.
for i=2:net.Num_Layers
w = squeeze(net.Weights(1:net.Sizes(i),i,1:net.Sizes(i-1)));
b =net.Biases(1:net.Sizes(i),i);
a = w*a-b;