MATLAB: To which command refers ~isempty() to


Sorry for the dumb question, but I am working on a matlab code I didn't write myself and several '~isempty(<1xn> cell in here)' are occuring. Since I am relatively new to matlab and programming, I just don't understand yet to what the isempty refers. I couldn't find any satisfying answers and so i thought maybe i could find help here. The isempty is always bound to an if loop.
set (handles. ...
set (handles. ...
if ~isempty(ZoneElementProtNameUnder{1,1})
else ...
So does isempty work with the 'set handles' or with the 'ZoneElement…', or even with a previous command? Or what exactly is it doing?
I appreciate any answers or help, thanks!

Best Answer

ZoneElementProtNameUnder is a 2D cell array. ZoneElementProtNameUnder{1,1} is the content of cell on column 1 and row 1 (curly brackets = "content of" for cell arrays). As cells can have empty content, the condition in the IF statement
if ~isempty(ZoneElementProtNameUnder{1,1})
is just checking that this cell's content is not empty. If true, then the expression
is using the content.