MATLAB: To transfer datas among the GUIs

MATLABmatlab gui

Hello every one; I have created a main UI having a popup menu that contains circle,Rectangle and Triangle.If user will clicks circle (then another ui will open,there user will enter the value of radius and this value will transfer to main ui) elseif user will click rectangle (then rectangle ui will open,there user will enter the value of length and breadth, and these values will come to the main ui) else if user will click Triangle (then triangle ui will open there user will enter the value of length and height, and these values will return to main ui),after this area and perimeter will be calculated and result will be displayed in main ui. I have written the following code for this but i am getting error message please any
name =get(handles.geo,Value) % geo is the tag of popup menu geometry(circle,rectangle,triangle)
if name==1
cirlce;% open first UI(circle)
elseif name==2
rectangle;%Open secnd UI(Rectangle)
elseif name==3
triangle;%Open third UI(Triangle)
if name==1
r=getappdata(0,Variable1) % get the value of radius from circle UI
elseif name==2
data=getappdata(0,variable2)% get the value of length and breadth from rectangle
l=data(1);% length of rectangle first value of data
b=data(2);% breadth of rectangle second value of data
elseif name==3
% same like previous
% send the values to edit text area and perm in main UI.
But while running the code main UI is opening, after clicking popup menu (for example 1 i.e. circle) circle UI is opening and an error message is coming r=[]. it is not calculating area and perimeter. any one please suggest how to do it. sryfor bad english.Thanks in advance…

Best Answer

You probably want
r=getappdata(0,'Variable1') % get the value of radius from circle UI
as the second parameter to getappdata is a string.
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