MATLAB: To search fractal dimension


This is already the segmentation stage, and I want to find the fractal dimension but it has an error. Can someone help me?
image_folder = 'F:\kuliah\semester6\TA2\mencoba\output';
outfolder = 'F:\kuliah\semester6\TA2\mencoba\hasil';
if ~isdir(outfolder); mkdir(outfolder); end
files = dir(fullfile(image_folder, '*.jpg'));
%I presume it has the variable map in it
for iFiles = 1:numel(files)
thisfilename = fullfile(files(iFiles).folder,files(iFiles).name);
[~, basename, ext] = fileparts(image_folder);
citra = imread(thisfilename);
%change to grayscale
grayimg = rgb2gray(citra);
figure, fig2=imshow(grayimg);
%change to green channel
green_channel = citra(:,:,2);
figure, fig3=imshow(green_channel);
%change to CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization)
CLAHE = adapthisteq(green_channel);
figure, fig4=imshow(CLAHE);
ER = edge(CLAHE, 'canny');
EG = edge(CLAHE, 'canny');
EB = edge(CLAHE, 'canny');
anyedge = ER | EG | EB;
figure, fig5=imshow(anyedge)
fig = figure;
outfile = fullfile(outfolder, sprintf('%s-coba-%03d.jpg', basename, iFiles));
saveas(fig5, outfile);
% yang dihitung dimensinya yaitu citra hasil segmentasi
[n, r] = fboxcount(figure,'slope');
%Perhitungan dimensi
df = -diff(log(n))./diff(log(r));
%Menampilkan hasil dimensi
disp(['Df= ' num2str(mean(df(4:8)))]);
% % end

Best Answer

you are passing in something that isn't an rgb image.