MATLAB: To operate a function in all rows of matrix

functionMATLABmatlab functionmatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

How I can repeat a function irrespective a size of matrix? For example, I have a matrix A and I want calculate the difference between maximum and minimum values in all rows, without I have determine the number of rows in my function, because I have began to set the function, but I just get the function works writtening a number of each row. Thank you!
A =
66 94 75 18
4 68 40 71
85 76 66 4

Best Answer

The range() function computes the difference between max and min values. When the input is a matrix, it acts on the columns. To act on the rows, just transpose the matrx. I added a second transpose so the results are in a column.
maxMinDiff = range(A')'
maxMinDiff =