MATLAB: To ignore the data files with error and proceed in the code


I am using gunzip(filename) in a loop to unzip the .gz files. e.g.
for x=1:N f=gunzip(fil_nme); end;
But for some the files it give error as follow
Error using gunzip>gunzipwrite (line 202) Unexpected end of input stream when attempting to GUNZIP the file "I:\GOES_DATA\G13\RETSD_MODMD_G13_GEC_2010356_11_gfsTfg_regWfg".
Error in gunzip>gunzipEntries (line 122) names{k} = gunzipwrite(entries(k).file, outputDir, baseName, streamCopier);
Error in gunzip (line 64) names = gunzipEntries(entries, outputDir);
Error in GOES_IASI_retrieval (line 46) f=gunzip(fil_nme);
and the whole program stops for some value of x less than N. I am not sure if this is error of gunzip or some error in datafile. If this error is in data file, is there any way that the error files can be skipped in the loop and the code is compiled for all values for x till N. i.e. Is there any way that I need not to restart to code after removing the erroneous datafile.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Use try and catch. Something like
for ...
gunzip ...
catch me
<test error, if it's significant rethrow it, otherwise ignore it>