MATLAB: To design a user friendly GUI


Hello All
I am trying to design a GUI in which the number of radio buttons change according to the number calculated by another function. The important thing is, although I am able to get the GUI, I am not able to access the radio buttons being created. I can use gcbo. But I can't distinguish between the buttons.
for i = 1:5 = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','String','Translation',… 'pos',[40 (1+(i*30)) 100 30],'HandleVisibility','off');
handles.flag_tr = 1;
handles.check_tr = 1;
But when I try to access the radio buttons, I can only do that using gcbo. Could you suggest some method by which I can distinguish between the buttons and hence, access them?

Best Answer

The problem is not clear to me. Perhaps this helps:
handles.flag_tr = 1; % Once only
handles.check_tr = 1;
for i = 1:5 = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','String','Translation',...
'pos',[40 (1+(i*30)) 100 30],'HandleVisibility','off', ...
guidata(FigureHandle, handles);
function selcbk(ObjectH, EventData)
handles = guidata(ObjectH);
allBoxes =;
selectedBox = ObjectH;
otherBoxes = allBoxes(allBoxes ~= selectedBox);
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