MATLAB: To combine different cells with empty columns together

cellcell arrayMATLABmatrix

Hi. I want to combine three different cells in a cell with additional empty columns..
funct1 =
funct2 =
funct3 =
Final cell will become like this.
funct =
'Q7' [] 'Q12G' [] 'Q12G' []
'Q12F' [] 'Q12H' [] 'Q12H' []
'Q12G' [] 'Q12I' [] 'Q12I' []
'Q12H' [] 'Q12L' [] [] []
'Q12I' [] 'Q12M' [] [] []
'Q12L' [] [] [] [] []
'Q12M' [] [] [] [] []
Could anyone show me how?

Best Answer

fu ={{
{ 'Q12G'
n = cellfun(@numel,fu);
m = max(n);
k = numel(n);
ou = zeros(m*2*k,1);
n1 = n + 2*(0:k-1)'*m;
n0 = n1 - n + 1;
ou(n0) = 1;
ou(n1+1) = -1;
lo = cumsum(ou);
out = cell(m,2*k);
out(lo > 0) = cat(1,fu{:});
n = cellfun(@numel,fu);
m = max(n);
k = numel(n);
out = cell(m,2*k);
for ii = 1:k
out(1:n(ii),2*ii-1) = fu{ii};