MATLAB: Timespan within Ode45

differential equationsfunctionMATLABode45timetimespan

Hi there,
I'm writing code to try solve some differential equations.
function Output = example_3(m0,mEnd) % m0 = range of 1000 to 1500 and mEnd = range of 100 to 500 as an example
g0 = 9.81;
Isp = 390;
mdot = 5;
c = Isp.*g0;
mf = m0 - mEnd;
T = mdot .* Isp * g0;
tbo = mf./mdot;
T_Range =[0,tbo];
Y_01 = [0;0];
[tSol_1,YSol_1] = ode45(@deri_Y,T_Range,Y_01);
v_1 = YSol_1(:,1);
h_1 = YSol_1(:,2);
Output = [max(v_1), max(h_1)];
function dYdt = deri_Y(t,Y)
v = Y(1);
h = Y(2);
dvdt = c.*mdot./(m0 - mdot.*t) - g0;
dhdt = v;
dYdt = zeros(size(Y));
dYdt(1) = dvdt;
dYdt(2) = dhdt;
the function works for single inputs of m0 and mEnd but I would like the function to run for a range of m0 and mEnd values and because of this the value of tbo changes each time and I get an error saying:
"Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Error in example_3/deri_Y (line 53)
dYdt(1) = dvdt;
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

  • change heade of a function
function dYdt = deri_Y(t,Y,m0)
  • call the function
for m0 = [0.4 0.5 1]
[tSol_1,YSol_1] = ode45(@(t,y) deri_Y(t,y,m0),T_Range,Y_01);