MATLAB: [Time Series Tool] [ Learning Alghoritm ]

[neural time series tool] [training]MATLAB

Hi, I just saw that there are several learning alghoritm like:
* trainlm % Levenberg
* traingd % Polak
* ..
* ..
In Neural Time series Tool Levenberg is the default.
Are there cases when I could use an another one?
My target is make prediction of power consume in a office, having some parameters like Temperature, irradiation, mounth ecc..
I just tried with traingdx to use momentum ad adaptive learning rate but I am obtaining bad results in confront of trainlm, but I dont know why.
I hope you can help me.
EDIT: I just tried that each alghoritm based on gradient descendent (traingd,a,traingdm) works very very bad and performance never improve through epoch! Why?

Best Answer

Why don't you use all of the defaults unless you have a specific reason for not doing so.
Once you get a successful design then you can change a default and see the effect on your previous results.
Changing more than one default at a time may thwart your efforts at understanding.
Perhaps a good way to start is to use one of the MATLAB data sets that are used in the documentation.
Hope this helps.