MATLAB: Time-series data

time series analysis

Hi everybody,
I have a set of time series data and I have to check if the average values are within the range for a certain amount of time (for example if the parameter X is in the range for 2 minutes).
Is there a matlab function that allows me to do that?
Thank you for your time!

Best Answer

The 'simplest' way to do a series of mean values is to use a for loop with the mean function.
nmean = 50; % Number of values you would like to average at a time
for i = 1:2*length(data)/nmean
average(i) = mean(data((i-1)*nmean/2:(i-1)*nmean/2+nmean));
You may run into an issue with index exceeding matrix dimensions near the end of your data set. If this happens, just reduce the maximum i value by changing the bounds of the loop. If you are not sure how to do that look up the basics of a for loop here.
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