MATLAB: Time-optimization? Digital image processing

digital image processingImage Processing Toolboxoptimization

For each column of the mask, I calculate the first non-zero pixel position (2000 images). Then, I save them to an array and compute the maximum; between other simple operations.
It is working fine, but it is not at all time-efficient. Would you have any suggestion?
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Base= Mask;
b= zeros (y,1,num_images,'double'); %preallocating
rows= x;
columns= y;
for k= 1:num_images;
for col= 1: columns
a = find(D(:, col,k), 1, 'first'); %find the first non-zero pixel
if a > 0
b(i,k) = a;
c = max (b(:,k));
i= i+1;
Base(c:rows,:,k)=1; %keeping the top part

Best Answer

The vectorized method of finding the first non-zero pixel for each column is:
leading_zero_count = sum( cumprod( ~D ) );
This will do the operation for all columns for all images simultaneously. The output will be 1 x number_of_columns x number_of_images
This is the count of the number of leading zeros, which is not exactly the same as the location of the first non-zero pixel. For any column that has a non-zero pixel, the leading zero count will be 1 less than the position of the first non-zero pixel. For any column that does not have any non-zero pixels, the leading zero count will be the same as the number of rows, which is a non-empty value, where-as the result of find() for such a case would be [] (the empty vector). A leading zero count can be easier to work with:
D(leading_zero_count(1,J,K)+1:end, J, K)
is easy to code without having to test for the [] that find() can return.