MATLAB: Time Normalisation of vertical ground reaction force

forceground reaction forcenormalisation

Hi everyone. I have vertical ground reaction force data during running and have trials of different lengths so I'm looking to time normalise to 100%

Best Answer

This is a job for interp1:
Signal = rand(1, 1000); % Test data
HeelStrike = 72;
ToeOff = 413;
Contact = Signal(HeelStrike:ToeOff);
ConatctN = interp1(1:numel(Contact), Contact, linspace(1, numel(Contact), 101));
Now the ground contact phase is normalized to 101.
If this is a bottleneck in your code, use FEX: ScaleTime:
ContactN = ScaleTime(Signal, HeelStrike, ToeOff, 101);
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