MATLAB: Time interval between samples


I have a strain data set from the LIGO detectors. It is a [1 x 1 ] struct with 16777216 length, with values like -2.343424e-16.
How to I find the time period between two signal of this data?
I tried using diff() but I didn't get the desired output.

Best Answer

It would help to know what your data are. Lacking that, and finding the Wikipedia article on LIGO (link), you may have spikes in your data, or other kinds of repeating signals.
If so, your best option is likely the Signal Processing Toolbox findpeaks (link) function. You may need to filter your data first, to get rid of some of the high-frequency noise. If so, and if you need help designing the filter, attach a representative file of your data to your original Question or to a Comment to it.