MATLAB: Time and event based data into ressource pool


Hello everyone,
I have a model with both time and event based aspects. In a time based simulation, a recycling facility is modeled that continuosly takes in material and outputs amongst others) a recycled target material. In the event based part of the model, a manufacturing facility is simulated: Orders arrive and are processed, consuming the material provided by the recycling facility.
I get both parts to work fine, the only problem is: I want the Ressource Pool the manufacturing draws from to be fed by the recycling. To do that, I have to claim that the ressource is "Reusable upon release", so I set the "Resource amount source" to Signal port. Using a "Time to Event Signal" block, this works well, the Ressource pool will hold the material recycled in the recycling line. But as material for production is obviously not reusable, I tried to manually substract the used material: The entities that represent the manufactured products have a "size" attribute. I was trying to add those up using "Sum of Elements", and was playing around with other approaches, but none worked.
Any ideas on how to solve that? Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

For anyone who stumbled upon this, the answer is simple enough - use the #d port of the Resource acquire block, which tracks the number of finished products, time the material attribute, thus calculating the total matial used. Substract from the total recylced material.
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