MATLAB: Thresholding to find and exclude homogeneous areas in glandular images – image processing

image analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboxpre processingthresholdingvessel segmentation

Hello there!
I am working on a problem trying to identify glands in an image and create a skeletonization of them. I am using the Matlab webinar advice and that has been working great for images where the glands are already identified (thanks Brett!). But there are some images (of course its cancer images), where there are some areas of glands and some areas that are bright (unfortunately, like glands) but are more homogeneous – I don't want those areas included!
I have been using graythresh, then im2bw to get the binary mask – but often times those bright homogeneous areas are included in the binary mask. Any other advice to exclude those areas? I feel like maybe the answer is simpler than i think.
Thanks! Nad

Best Answer

I haven't the slightest idea what you're looking for and I couldn't even hand draw it if I had to. To me the image in Example 2 looks like a total mess with nothing recognizable in it, so I wouldn't be able to find anything in it, by eye, hand, or computer.