MATLAB: Thresholding an image based on part of a histogram’s values

digital image processinghistogramimage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentationMATLAB

Hi folks,
I'm trying to get the parts of an image that fall between 2 values of its grayscale histogram, the revert the image back to its colour form. So far, I am struggling to get anything but a black image! Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong please? Below is my code.
baseGray = rgb2gray(I);
isoLower = 135;
isoUpper = 155;
lessThan = baseGray < isoLower;
greaterThan = baseGray > isoUpper;
baseGray(lessThan) = 0;
baseGray(greaterThan) = 0;
grayThresh = imbinarize(baseGray);
grayThresh = bwareaopen(grayThresh, 3000);
grayThresh = imfill(grayThresh, 'holes');
grayThresh = bwperim(grayThresh);
grayThresh = imdilate(grayThresh, ones(5));
grayThresh = imerode(grayThresh, ones(3));
grayThresh = imfill(grayThresh, 'holes');
refigure = img.*repmat(uint8(grayThresh),[1 1 3]);

Best Answer

Try something like this
img = im2double(imread('pears.png'));
img_gray = rgb2gray(img);
isoLower = 135/255; % double image, pixel intensity between 0 and 1
isoUpper = 155/255;
mask = (isoLower < img_gray) & (img_gray < isoUpper);
refigure = img;
refigure(~mask(:,:,[1 1 1])) = 0;