MATLAB: This statement is not inside any function. (It follows the END that terminates the definition of the function “trap_wfp610”.)


%% function [ w ] = trap_wfp610( n ) % Calculates the work done using numerical integration and the trapezoidal rule % Detailed explanation goes here h=(5*10^-2)/n; a=0; b=5*10^-2; f=@(a)(5*(10^5)*a+10^5)*pi*(5*10^-2)^2; g=@(b)(5*(10^5)*b+10^5)*pi*(5*10^-2)^2; w=h/2*(f(a)+g(b)); end
%% syms x k1=500000 k2=10^5 p=(k1*x+k2)*pi*.05^2 W=int(p,x,0,5*10^-2)
%% error=abs((w-W)/W)*100

Best Answer

Kevin, it's hard to tell what exactly you would like to do and what is going wrong. One thing you could do is do both computations within the same function and return all results:
function [ w,Ws,error ] = trap_wfp610( n )
% Calculates the work done using numerical integration and the trapezoidal rule
% Detailed explanation goes here
h = (5*10^-2)/n;
a = 0;
b = 5*10^-2;
f = @(a)(5*(10^5)*a+10^5)*pi*(5*10^-2)^2;
g = @(b)(5*(10^5)*b+10^5)*pi*(5*10^-2)^2;
w = h/2*(f(a)+g(b));
syms x
k1 = 500000
k2 = 10^5
p = (k1*x+k2)*pi*.05^2
Ws = int(p,x,0,5*10^-2)
error = abs((w-Ws)/Ws)*100;