MATLAB: This seems like a bug in the ‘categorical’ class

bugcategorical. displayMATLAB

if I define a cellstr:
I can make it a categorical variable:
>> c=categorical(n)
c =
a b b c
and it will display correctly, but if one of the strings contains a parenthesis:
>> n={'a(','b','b','c'}
n =
'a(' 'b' 'b' 'c'
>> c=categorical(n)
c =
'a(' ' $1 ' ' $1 ' 'c'
The display after that element is showing some kind of pointer instead of the value.
There is also a problem with close-paren, but a little different.
>> n={'a)','b','b','c'}
n =
'a)' 'b' 'b' 'c'
>> c=categorical(n)
c =
a )' b ' b ' c '
Doesn't happen with [.
Clearly seems to be parse error in the display function for the class.
Anyway, thought you should know and wondering if there is a fix/workaround.
Thanks, Michael

Best Answer

Michael, thanks for reporting this. Not sure what version of MATLAB you're using, but this was fixed in R2014b:
>> categorical({'a(','b','b','c'})
ans =
a( b b c
>> categorical({'a)','b','b','c'})
ans =
a) b b c