MATLAB: This program is producing a STBC matrix of 8*4 32 times. how can i put them in a single matrix of 256*4 dimension?

putting 32 matrices in one

% QAM Modulator
sizeOfSignalConstellation = 16; % Size of signal constellation
numberOfBitsPerSymbol = log2(sizeOfSignalConstellation); % Number of bits per symbol
noOfBitsToProcess = 512; % Number of bits to process
numSamplesPerSymbol = 1; % Oversampling factor
rng default % Use default random number generator
vectorOfBinaryData = randi([0 1],noOfBitsToProcess,1); % Generate vector of binary data
binaryTuples = reshape(vectorOfBinaryData,length(vectorOfBinaryData)/4,4); % Reshape data into binary 4-tuples
dataSymbolsIn = bi2de(binaryTuples); % Convert to integersdataMod = qammod(dataSymbolsIn,M,0); % Binary coding, phase offset = 0
xx = qammod(dataSymbolsIn,sizeOfSignalConstellation,0,'gray'); % Gray coding, phase offset = 0
QamMatrix= vec2mat(xx,4);
Eb_No = 2*(sizeOfSignalConstellation-1)/3; %energy of the sysmbols
% Alamouti SPace Time Block Coder for four transmit Antennas
% Transmitters
for i= 1:A
for j=1:32
ss = QamMatrix(i,:);
STBC(:,:,i) = [ss(1) ss(2) ss(3) ss(4); ...
-1*ss(2) ss(1) -1*ss(4) ss(3); ...STBC
-1*ss(3) ss(4) ss(1) -1*ss(2); ...
-1*ss(4) -1*ss(3) ss(2) ss(1); ...
conj(ss(1)) conj(ss(2)) conj(ss(3)) conj(ss(4)); ...
-1*conj(ss(2)) conj(ss(1)) -1*conj(ss(4)) conj(ss(3));...
-1*conj(ss(3)) conj(ss(4)) conj(ss(1)) -1*conj(ss(2)); ...
-1*conj(ss(4)) -1*conj(ss(3)) conj(ss(2)) conj(ss(1))];
SS = reshape(T(:,:,j),8,4);

Best Answer

There is another end missing from you code. Assuming it should be added at the end, try changing:
SS = reshape(T(:,:,j),8,4);
SS(8*(i-1)+1:8*i,:) = STBC(:,:,i);
This gives a final SS matrix which is 256 x 4, although you'll have to verify if this the behaviour you want.
Also, I'm not sure what the purpose of the inner loop is - it seems like you're calculating the same thing 32 times.